Wagoner Community Hospital Is Dedicated
To Providing Quality Healthcare
With Courtesy And Compassion.
Dignity, Integrity, Excellence,
Compassion and Stewardship
Chief Executive Officer – Jimmy Leopard, FACHE
Rebecca Sharp – Interim CFO
Brandy Moore, CNO
The original Wagoner Hospital was located on east Cherokee Street in what is now Jackson Family Clinic. It was a private hospital needing extensive improvements. In 1973, the citizens of Wagoner established the Wagoner Hospital Authority to realize the dream of having a community hospital to provide health care for the people of Wagoner County.
The first Wagoner Community Hospital (WCH) at 1200 West Cherokee Street was a 50-bed acute care hospital. In 1977 a new wing was built and 25 beds were added. Hospital Corporation of America out of Nashville, Tennessee acquired WCH in 1981. The last expansion occurred in 1983 when another addition was added with 25 beds bringing the hospital to its current size, a 100-bed facility. During 1987 WCH became a part of HealthTrust, Inc. and then Columbia/HCA assumed the lease in the summer of 1995.
For a short time in early 1999 Triad operated WCH but on April 1, 1999 WCH became part of Hillcrest Healthcare System of Tulsa, Oklahoma. On August 1, 2004, as part of Hillcrest Healthcare System, WCH became part of Ardent Health Services.
On October 1, 2006 WCH proudly became a full public trust hospital. Wagoner Community Hospital is a 100 bed medical facility with a wide range of services including a 32-bed mental health unit, outpatient counseling for seniors, interventional pain management, sleep services laboratory, inpatient/outpatient general surgery and a 24-hour emergency room.
Much technology has been added over the past 39 years, a helical CAT scanner, and other radiological imaging advancements including nuclear medicine equipment. Incredible updates in information systems have had a vast impact on the ability to deliver quality state of the art medicine.
The future looks bright and Wagoner Community Hospital continues to grow, meeting the health care challenges of today and tomorrow.
The Wagoner Community Hospital Auxiliary is a time-honored tradition. For years members were known as “the pink ladies” because of the pink jacket uniform. However, today several male members sport blue jackets. The 19 active members of the Auxiliary donate thousands of hours operating the hospital gift shop, greeting visitors at the front entrance, delivering hand-made pillows to each patient, assisting with patient discharge, when able, and delivering flowers. If you would like to make a difference and have 4 hours a week to give, the Auxiliary would love to have you join.
For more information call (918) 485-1319 or stop by the Gift Shop to pick up a membership application. All prospective members are subject to pre-screenings including immunization history, background check and drug screen.
1. Oklahoma Advance Directive for Health Care
2. The Health History Questionnaire
3. Health Information Authorization
4. MRSA Fact Sheet
5. Seasonal Flu Information
6. Quitting Tobacco
7. No Patient Left Alone Act
1. Oklahoma Advance Directive for Health Care
The Advance Directive for Health Care can be used to ensure your wishes are followed if you later become incapacitated and incapable of making an informed decision regarding your health care. If you signed a Directive to Physicians or other Advance Directive for Health Care under Oklahoma law prior to 2006, it is recommended that you complete the new Advance Directive because of additional options under the current law.
The Advance Directive requires two witnesses who are eighteen years or older and not named in your will or related to you. It does not have to be filed with any official or office to be effective. You should retain originals accessible at home and make copies for your doctor and family members.
Your use of this statutory Advance Directive form should be based on your personal health care situation and prior consultation with your physician and attorney. Nothing in this section should be considered as legal advice for an individual situation. Please consult your attorney for individual advice.
2. The Health History Questionnaire
The Health History Questionnaire is to be completed at the first scheduled appointment for a visit at the Specialty Clinic. This form can be printed so you can fill it out prior to your appointment. Having the form completed and with you for your appointment will help reduce the wait time. If you have any questions about completing the form, please call (918) 485-2093.
3. Authorization For Use Or Disclosure Of Protected Health Information
The HIPAA Authorization Form may be used to request the release of patient medical records. The completed form may be faxed to 918-485-1383. If you have any questions about the use of this form or release of medical records, call 918-485-1300.
Click here to download HIPAA Authorization Form
4. MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus
Aureus) Fact Sheet
MRSA infection is caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria — often called “staph.” MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It’s a strain of staph that’s resistant to the broad-spectrum antibiotics commonly used to treat it.
Click here to download MRSA Fact Sheet
5. Seasonal Flu Information
Click here to visit Flu Information Website
6. Quitting Tobacco
If you want to quit tobacco use call the Oklahoma Quit Line 1-800-QUIT NOW. Or visit one of the following websites for cessation advice, tips and programs.
7. No Patient Left Alone Act (63 O.S. § 1-706a)
“Minor children who are admitted to an Oklahoma licensed hospital have the right to have a parent, guardian or person standing in loco parentis present when the minor patient is receiving hospital care. An adult who is admitted to an Oklahoma licensed hospital has the right to designate a spouse, family member or care giver who may be present while the patient is receiving hospital care.”
Who do I contact about getting qualified for financial assistance?
You may contact our on-site Business Office by phone or walk-in to request the Financial Assistance Program (FAP) application. If you need assistance to complete the application you may call 918-485-1306 for an appointment, if no answer, please leave a message.
What needs to be done once I receive my application for assistance?
You will need to gather all the requested information like verification of income (last month’s paycheck stub, social security award letter, etc.), copy of last year’s tax return, a listing of any assets you have (i.e. house, cash, stock/bonds, year/make/model of autos owned, or any other assets you may have), verification of any liabilities including monthly payment amount (i.e. bank loans, car loans, credit union, doctor/hospital bills for all facilities, and any other liabilities), and verification of any other monthly expenses (i.e. rent/mortgage payment, food expenses, car/house/medical insurance payments, utilities, or any other miscellaneous expenses incurred monthly). Other information may be requested after the application has been submitted.
Once I have everything together what do I do?
You will need to return the application and all required documents to the Wagoner Community Hospital on-site Business Office.
What happens next?
The application is reviewed for completion. If there is any additional information needed you will receive a letter informing you. This information will need to be submitted in a timely manner.
How do you determine if I am eligible?
All applications are reviewed monthly. Only completed applications will be processed. Your information will determine the discount. Applicants are eligible for discounts from 10% – 100% according to the information provided. Not everyone will qualify. Your application will then be sent to Wagoner Community Hospital’s CEO and/or CFO for approval. Once your application has been approved or denied you will receive a letter informing you of the decision that has been made. Please allow 60 days for processing.
Financial Assistance Program (FAP) (Click to download application)
What is Wagoner Community Hospital’s HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices?
Click here to download WCH’s HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices
To download a detailed explanation from the Oklahoma Hospital Association…
Media representatives and photographers must contact the hospital spokesperson for assistance in obtaining interviews and/or photographs of patients, employees, and areas of the hospital. Hospital policies require that a hospital representative accompany news personnel ANY time they are on hospital grounds. The following activities require written authorization (signed consent form) from the patient:
Releasing a detailed statement (includes anything other than a one-word condition); the patient or his/her legal representative should approve written statements;
Taking photographs (either video or stills) of the patient; and Media interviews with patients.
No photographs, audio/video recordings or interviews of patients may be taken within the facility or on hospital property without the patient’s prior written consent, or the written permission of a parent or legal representative. The release forms are available under Media Consent Forms.
Deceased or unconscious patients are not to be photographed UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, regardless of whether they are in the hospital or on hospital property.
Definitions of Patient Conditions
The following five terms are official hospital conditions, as defined by HIPAA:
Undetermined: Patient is awaiting assessment.
Good: Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious and comfortable. Indicators are excellent.
Fair: Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious, but may be uncomfortable. Indicators are favorable.
Serious: Vital signs may be unstable and not within normal limits. Patient is acutely ill. Indicators are questionable.
Critical: vital signs are unstable and not within normal limits. Patient may be unconscious. Indicators are unfavorable.
WCH Will NOT Release Any Information
When the patient requests that NO information about him/her is released.
When knowledge of a patient’s location within the hospital could result in embarrassment for the patient (i.e. MHU/substance abuse, miscarriage, isolation for infectious disease);
When knowledge of a patient’s presence or location in the hospital could place the patient, hospital employees, and/or medical staff in danger (i.e. a stalker or abusive partner);
When the hospital and/or members of the medical or nursing staff are, or may be, parties to litigation;
When the patient is in the custody of the state (DHS, incarcerated or in psychiatric care); or
When, in the judgment of the patient’s physician, the nursing staff or hospital official, an interview would aggravate a patient’s condition, or is inappropriate due to unique circumstances, hospital spokespersons are justified in denying access to the patient without seeking consent. As soon as circumstances permit, hospital public relations or CEO will make the request for an interview to the patient.
Before information confirming a death is released to the media or others, a written authorization from the next-of-kin or the decedent’s legal representative is needed.
If the death is subject to an investigation by the Oklahoma State Medical Examiner’s Office, inquiries or requests for details should be directed to the M.E.’s office (405) 239-7141.
Matters of Public Record
While law and/or regulations require health care facilities to report a variety of information to public authorities, it is not the responsibility of facilities to provide that information in response to calls or inquiries from the media or other parties. Once the patient’s name has been provided to the CEO by the media, only the one-word condition will be given.
Requests for additional information should be directed to the appropriate public authority. The public entity will be guided by the applicable federal or state statutes as to the release of information.
As a recipient of Federal financial assistance, the Wagoner Community Hospital does not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against any person on the ground of race, color, or national origin, or on the basis of gender identity or gender expression, or on the basis of disability or age in admission to, participation in, or receipt of the services and benefits of any of its programs and activities or in employment therein, whether carried out by Wagoner Community Hospital directly or through a contractor or any other entity with whom the Wagoner Community Hospital arranges to carry out its programs and activities.
This statement in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Regulations of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued pursuant to the Acts, Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations Part 80, 84, and 91. (Other Federal Laws and Regulations provide similar protection against discrimination on grounds of sex and creed.)
In case of questions concerning this policy, or in the event of a desire to file a complaint alleging violations of the above, please contact:
Wagoner Community Hospital
Debbie Sparks, Human Resources Coordinator
(918) 485-1352
Debi Hamilton – Chair
David Good, D.O. – Chief of Staff/Vice-Chair
Mary Jane Whisnant – Secretary
Casey Hanna, M.D. – ER Medical Director
Srinivas Katta, M.D. – Quality Improvement Chairman
Mark Pointer
Kimberly Johnson
Ken Hicks – Attorney to the Authority
Wagoner Community Hospital Board Meetings:
1200 West Cherokee St.
Wagoner, OK 74467
March 25th – Tuesday
April 29th – Tuesday
May 27th – Tuesday
June 24th – Tuesday
July 29th – Tuesday
August 26th – Tuesday
September 30th – Tuesday
October 28th – Tuesday
November 25th – Tuesday
December 30th – Tuesday
February 28, 2023 Tuesday
Special Session Meetings Will Be Called As Needed And Posted According to the Open Meetings Act.