Recovery From Alcohol or Substance Abuse
Can Be a Difficult Road. Wagoner Health Can Help.

What is Medical Stabilization?

Medical Stabilization is the medical management of withdrawal symptoms and the related acute care needs stemming from the cessation of drugs and alcohol during the detox process.

Substance Withdrawal Treatment

New Path is able to provide a safe medical stabilization setting for those struggling with use of:

  • Opioids
  • Alcohol
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Cocaine
  • Combined Substances
  • Prescription Medications
  • …and much more

The New Path Program

Wagoner Health’s New Path Program is designed to offer guidance, treatment, and support for those struggling with withdrawal symptoms related to the cessation of alcohol or substance use. Abrupt withdrawal is medically dangerous, which is why our unique program is built for those who choose to seek recovery in a safe, controlled, and comfortable environment.

New Path specializes in supervised inpatient medical stabilization, all with the goal of helping willing participants overcome the fear and symptoms of withdrawal that may occur during the recovery process. Assessment and treatment are led by medical professionals dedicated to supporting the individual needs of every person who comes to us seeking a new path.

Best of all, it’s all available right here, close to home.

For more information about New Path Medication Assisted Drug/Alcohol Withdrawals Treatment Program, please call 918-614-5536 during regular business hours or 918-485-5514 after business hours.